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Carmel School student demonstration

Nurturing young Entrepreneurs

The Carmel School Entrepreneurship Program provides middle and senior secondary-aged students with the opportunity to explore and develop their innovative ideas. The Program teaches entrepreneurial skills to students with the aim of inspiring them to become business leaders in the future.

The Entrepreneurship Program at Carmel School specifically provides Year 9 and Year 10 students the opportunity to explore an innovative business idea. In the course of the program, students learn key small business management theory and the business development process. Alongside the key theoretical principles, the practical development of their ideas amongst small groups and the marketing of their ideas supports the development of key soft skills in such areas as communication and project management. The aim of the program is to foster an interest in entrepreneurship in the students and to provide them with the key support and skills required for them to continue to pursue a pathway in business and entrepreneurship in later years.

The Entrepreneurship program at Carmel aims to inspire students to be innovative as well as provide them with the opportunity to develop core skills beneficial for their future careers in the process. The support that the Malka Foundation provides the school allows us to curate the best resources and extra-curricular activities to achieve this goal.

Julie Harris, Principal, Carmel School

Julie Harris, Carmel School Principal